Friday, June 10, 2011

These are my confessions...

Hey y'all! I know Friday is supposed to be Farewell to Fat Friday, and it will happen...just a little later tonight! I was on blogger this morning and ran across this super cute blog, Dandelion Wishes, and she hosts Friday Confessions, and I felt like I needed to participate this que Usher...These are my confessions...
I confess...That I am completely over this season of The Bachelorette...I knew it wouldn't take long with Ashley. When she was on Brad's season I fast forwarded through most of her whining and crying, and she's at it I'm donezo!

I confess...That I'm going to the spa today for laser hair appt. 3 of 6 to get rid of my man-stache! Best investment ever! I was totally freaked out about laser hair removal, but it is completely painless...and I don't have to get my "stache" waxed every 3 weeks!

I confess...That about 6 months ago I lost a friendship that was very dear to me, and I miss her everyday. She and I have been friends since we were 8, and inseparable best friends since we were 14. She was there for me through everything, and me the same for her, but she chose a relationship over friendship. I just hope it works out for her in the end, and she is truly happy...

I confess...That I might have a creepy cougar crush on Justin Bieber...his song with Rascall Flatts...OMGeeee! Can I ask Nate to get a JB haircut?! Lol

I confess...That looking back, I am not where I thought I would be at this point in my life...but I love where I am!

I confess...That I absolutely despise folding/putting away clothes almost as much as I despise being excited to get gas for $3.32 a gallon...they're both ridiculous!

I hope y'all have a great Friday! Go link up and share your confessions!


Amber said...

I'd be thrilled with $3.32/gallon, that's super cheap, haha!

It's sad, I really liked Ashley on The Bachelor so I really want her to find what she's looking for but geeze, she was a mess this week.

Losing friendships are like breakups, worse in some cases. It's nice you wish your friend well, maybe someday she'll come back around. :)

Conni said...

I have never been a fan of either the batchelor or batchelorette just don't get it.

I had a friend choose a man over our friendship too, I think of her often and wonder of she is happy about her choice...

Thanks for sharing

Stephy said...

Jeesh, we are still at $3.77/gallon here. It IS ridiculous!

Savanah said...

I don't like Ashley either! And I've been considering getting the laser hair thing. You think it's worth the money?
And you so should ask b/f to get the JB hair cut! haha

Rachel said...

One of these breaks my heart. You know the one...

Marie@Procrastinating in Pink said...

It's always heartbreaking to lose a friend over a guy! I hate laundry...guess I could quit buying clothes! lol!

Julie said...

I hear you on the Bieber crush. I'm old enough to be his mother :)

Nate & I

Nate & I

My Favorite Girls

My Favorite Girls

Confessions of a Recovering Shopaholic

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