Friday, April 29, 2011

Where do I turn in my grown up card?!

The top ten reasons being a grown up stinks!
  1. Automobile maintenance...found out yesterday Lexi has to have new tires...and the guy at the shop said tires on her would only last 30-40k miles...which for this commuting gal means every 10 months. I can think of much better ways to spend $1100.
  2. Bills...end of story.
  3. When your checking account goes into the negative, it doesn't pull from Mom & Dad's account. (This is possibly the result of living in a small town, but in High School when I spent too much  money in my checking account, it pulled from my parents account to cover it...Best.Idea.Eva!)
  4. $3.79 a gallon, I'd kill to have Dad's Shell card back!
  5. Personal property taxes...pshhh...don't we pay taxes on it when we buy it...and now I have to pay taxes just to own it!?
  6. Snow days just aren't the same when you're a grown goes from...Yay, No School! To, how the heck am I going to get to work in this!? 
  7. Spring Break, Summer Break!? Those are thing's of the past! 
  8. Insurance...I'm sure it's great and comes in handy when you need it...but I can think of several ways I'd rather spend my auto & homeowners insurance premiums every month! 
  9. Laundry & Dishes...Ughhh...
  10. Grocery Shopping...I'm not really sure how I spend so much money at the stinkin' grocery store...I can't cook!?

Oh, well...I guess I'll survive! On a brighter note, I DVR'ed The Royal Wedding...Can't wait to get home and watch it. I've already seen some pics of the GORGEOUS dress on Twitter, and the hats...can we talk about the hats?! I wish I didn't have a ginormous head and could pull off a fancy hat, because some of them were fabulous...some, not so much!

Hope you all have a great weekend!
Off to my laser hair, joy! 

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