Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Letters to my younger self...

I've seen many bloggers do this post, and most recently Whitney at I Wore Yoga Pants to Work. I've always wanted to do one, and thought today would be perfect. So many things that you think will just come easy,  often prove to be just the opposite, and these are some things I wish I would have known back when I was younger.

Letters to my younger self:

You've done pretty well sticking to your "30 day plan" with guys,  but one day a really funny guy, with incredible dimples will come along and he will steal your heart...you will date for a few years...and when it ends you may think you are going to die, but I promise, you wont! He will be your first love, and he will have a part of your heart for a very, very long time.

You think that getting to wear that crown to your senior homecoming will change your life, you were voted Princess, and you got your crown, but I promise it doesn't mean crap. 5 years from now when you're putting together your resume, believe me you will not be listing this as an achievement! 
Day Homecoming my Sr. year - 2004
You may think being a mean girl is cute...it's not...people just think you're a bitch. Cut it out, making peoples life miserable isn't a good hobby. 

You have some pretty special girls in your life, and a few will stick by your side for many years to come. The one person you think will be by your side until the end, wont, after 16 years of friendship things will change and you wont even know who she is anymore. On the bright side, one of those girls will...she will be by your side when you marry your true love, you will share many adventures together, and she is the definition of a true friend. Cherish her, many girls aren't lucky enough to have that in their life.   
Kyndall and & my Senior Prom.
Stop cutting last period with your previously mentioned boyfriend and his friends, one day you will get into a car with them and drive like a stupid over-confident teenager, and you will have an accident. You will all make it out ok, but it will scare you to death, and make you forever fearful in a vehicle. You'll always have a big ugly scar on your left hand to remind you of how different things could have been that day. 

Moving out at 17, and having your own apartment at sounds like a fabulous idea. Don't be stupid, and don't even think you're independent. Swiping Daddy's credit card isn't the definition of independence, and you'll move home, you wont be happy about it, but you do. You will finish school and get into a career you love. You will have a very long stable work history, and be fortunate enough to say you have a job you love!

Spend more time with your Papaw, he is an incredible man, and cherishes you more that you will ever know. You may think that helping in the fields, or feeding the cows is a pretty lame way to spend your time, but one day he will be gone, and you'd give anything to have those days back.

You'll meet a guy, again with incredible dimples...what's with the dimples? He will treat you like a QUEEN, you will think it's fabulous and you'll spend every waking second with him, and other relationships will suffer. You will date for a very short period of time, then decide marriage at 19 is a splendid idea. Your parents wont stop you, they just want their baby girl happy, and lets be honest, NO isn't a word you hear often. You will be married for a couple years, then life will set in. You have champagne tastes on a beer budget, and you will do what it takes to keep up with The Jones', whoever they may be. You and he will struggle, and you will learn you have an amazing family who will do anything to not let you fall, when in reality they probably should to teach you a lesson. He will become increasingly more controlling to the point that you feel like you can't breathe. People who have always known you, and have always seen a smile on your face wont even recognize you. After a few years you will let it go, you will give up, and it will be the best decision you ever made. You will have your life back...and although you will have hard times...you will be absolutely fine

One day you will finally grow up, you will learn what things you will tolerate, and things you will not. You will stop caring so much what other people think, and worry what those who matter the most think. You will have a wonderful career, amazing friends, and a wonderful husband, with no dimples! He will complete you and you will have an amazing relationship. Not to say life wont still hold the occasional struggle, but ultimately, you end up with everything you ever dreamed...no, no...not those stupid, unreasonable dreams that you have now...but real life, down home dreams! Your own version of Happy! 


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Life Lately

I don't even really know where to start, it has been so long since I've blogged. So many exciting things have happened since my last post.

Kyndall and I threw Julianne an overnight Lingerie shower, we had a huge group of girls and it was an awesome time!
I celebrated the 1st anniversary of my 25th birthday with my favorite girls. 
I did makeup for Julianne's bridals and this is a teaser photo of the photographer in the cotton field. These pictures are ridiculous gorgeous and I can't wait to share some with y'all!

Nathan and I will be making an addition to our little family in about 5 weeks. Meet Berkley, our chocolate lab. 

I spent a weekend in New Orleans with Kyndall and Julianne.

And last but definitely not least...
Nathan and I are buying a house!
I haven't taken any pictures because the current renters will be in for a few more days, but I can't wait! It is a rent house that belongs to my grandma that we are buying and renovating! Paint colors have been picked, and I've dug through storage buildings and found tons of awesome furniture to redo. It is a home that was built in the 60's so fortunately we have beautiful hardwoods, on the flip side we have a pink toilet and tub. It will be a lot of work, but it will be worth it in the end. I will definitely share pictures of our progress and all of my furniture redo's! 

I hope you all are doing great!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Motivational Monday

 I'm joining Amber from Living in Moment for Motivational Monday! I could definitely use a little motivation after the weekend I had, I could also use another weekend to recover. 
I pinned this quote a few weeks ago, and loved everything about it. What an amazing way to live life! 
I hope you've all had a great Monday, go link up with Amber and share some motivation today!

Thursday, August 9, 2012



Well after a little over a year, I've reached 100 followers/readers!

I never imagined I would "meet" so many wonderful people through this journey that started as an outlet about my attempt to find things to do with my time other than shopping! 

Well, I'm not real sure if I've found many things I enjoy more than shopping, but blogging has definitely made it's way up the list :)

Thank you all so much for taking time out of your day to visit my little piece of the blog world, love you all! 

I think this calls for a giveaway, right?
Stay tuned for details! 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pinteresting Wednesday!

My Hair is getting so long, and I'm so tempted to cut it off just like this!

I'm obsessed with this cake! It fits me to a T
I'd love to crawl into this bed every night!

I can't wait to wear this outfit! Come on Fall!!!

I love this DIY Ottoman made from a pallet! Crazy cool!
Happy Wednesday Y'all!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Nail Polish Swap: Reveal Day!

Hey y'all, I came home to quite the surprise yesterday! My awesome swap partner tweeted last week that she had spoiled her swap partner, and she definitely wasn't joking! I just kept pulling things out of the box :)
 First off, I was super excited that it was from Ulta, I work at Sephora and I actually don't have an Ulta near me yet, so I was super excited to try out some of their products! 
I was paired up with Celia from UnSimply Celia and she did a great job of picking out some super fun colors, and also sent some great "extras" :) Thanks Celia!

I used the sweetheart pink on my nails last night, and added a gold Sephora glitter topcoat!
Thanks again Celia!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm Loving...That we have dinner plans this weekend with Nathan's sister Caroline, and her husband Patrick. One of the things I love most about marrying into a big family is now having "sisters" and "brothers", and lots of nieces and nephews!

I'm Loving...That I have a real 3 day weekend coming up! I'm looking forward to not setting an alarm for 3 days!

I'm Loving...These Tory Burch studs. They are definitely on my Birthday wish list! I love all things TB!
I'm Loving...The Hydralife BB Cream by Dior...of course I couldn't fall in love with the 15 other BB creams we sell at Sephora in the $20-$30 range...I have to love the one that's $56! But it really is awesome...it makes your skin look so healthy, and it has the perfect amount of coverage, without being a heavy foundation! I wear it during the week when I don't want to wear a full face of makeup.

I'm Loving...That our Disney Vacation is 108 days away! And yes, I'm counting! 

I hope y'all are having a great week, link up with Jamie and let us know what you're loving! 

Nate & I

Nate & I

My Favorite Girls

My Favorite Girls

Confessions of a Recovering Shopaholic

Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)

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